
Web CV: ex.plode.us

May 16, 2007

Ex.plode.us – a new social search tool – provides the ability to find other people by name or by interest. A quick search for me, and my friends displays a fairly reduced list, but I guess we should expect the search to become more ubiquitous; I wonder how it’s going to deal with my different identities across a range of social networks? If it can, then this might be the first step to creating a tool that aggregates all my information from all the online social spaces that I inhabit – something that I’d predict will become increasingly useful for tracking multiple sets of data and communication…

More importantly, when is the trend for breaking up titles with full stops gonna end? It’s driving me and my spell checker nuts.


  1. I wonder if someone like LinkedIn might do something like this. I like LinkedIn. Particularly the way it introduces functionality to you in a kind of drip-drip way. So an addition like tracking your community profiles might be reasonably seamless.

  2. I like LinkedIn too, but I like it less when it starts trying to be something it’s not. For example, LinkedIn Answers – to me, having this in a network setting feels a little too earnest. A bit like like Donkey, in Shrek: ‘Ask me! Ask me! Ask me!”

  3. I got more friends than you ;)


  4. […] « Being a busy bee.. no time to post ex.plode.us May 25th, 2007 First seen by Barbd, Ex.plode.us allows you to search social spaces for people’s profiles and it draws them […]

  5. See the different friends lists I have depending on which persona you look at: http://tailwind.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/explodeus/

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