
What is local?

January 18, 2008

“Different things to different people at different times.”

Robert Hardie, Content Strategy Director for  Northcliffe Media, talking about his definition of the variables one has to play with when considering developing local services. I attended Mashup’s local event last night, and broadly speaking founded it entertaining but not hugely useful in terms of real insight.That said, there were a couple of interesting points: 

  •  “what the user wants defines what local is” – people are prepared to go further for higher value things, and so local completely depends on context of search
  • “in London, local is in straight lines”

One of the main thrusts of the event (and from looking at the sites of some of the participants on the panel discussion) was around how to integrate real local knowledge with search listings. There was a feeling that local knowledge, opinion and other user-generated recommendation doesn’t sit well with a pure local search, in which distance is the primary factor. Most of the sites I looked at seemed to break apart the community from search results, which I don’t think is the most elegant of solutions. In fact, I’m thinking that ‘WeLoveLocal‘ is actually a really nice integration of the two. I’m going to have more of a play with this, it does seem like they have the right mix of good info, local knowledge, and ease of use to be actually useful the next time I need to find out where something is near to me!There were a couple of points made about monetising local search but beyond building scale and advertising on the back of this, I got the feeling people were either being cagy or didn’t have a clue. I did enjoy the feeling of the evening though – there was a lot of energy about this area. Most of the audience seemed to be from one local search startup or another – there were people from TouchLocalQypeWeLoveLocal and more…and it’s been a while since I’ve been to something quite as niche!


  1. Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the great compliment for welovelocal, we’re working on the site all the time, trying to make it as useful as possible and we’ve got some great new features coming up very soon.


    P.S. I used to work at LBi back when it was Framfab, so it’s nice to hear some nice comments from people I used to work with

  2. Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the kind words. Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you’d like to learn more about welovelocal.com.

    Last night’s discussion touched on a lot of interesting points, notably (as you say) how we contextualise local from a personal perspective and how such sites can add real value when it comes to looking up and interacting with local businesses.


  3. Hi Stephen, Rob from Qype.co.uk here. Glad you enjoyed last night’s event, it was great to see all these ‘local’ people in one room having a good chat. Your point about combining the community and the search results is a good one and I think there’s plenty more conversations to be had about that kind of integrations.

    See you at the next MashUp!

  4. Hey Stephen, Oren from TouchLocal.com here. Last night was certainly niche and we at Touch really enjoyed the event. The networking and conversations post panel questions allow for a lot of value I thought.

    The conversation with the panel couldn’t get into too much depth about the future of Local, monetizing wasn’t talked about because critical review mass is still in its infancy imho.

    Looking forward to the next one indeed!

  5. Stephen, glad you enjoyed mashup* Event. I’ve posted my own summary and a brief video at http://blog.belocal.com/

    I’m planning a more indepth ‘local’ event for those who really want to get together to figure things out.

    Would you be interested in participating ?


  6. Simon – yes, definitely. Let me know where and when and I’ll take part…

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