Posts Tagged ‘“cult of the amateur”’


The Cult of the Amateur Professional

November 3, 2008

It seems my return to blogging is out of time. The blogosphere is now rife with professional bloggers, online magazines and long-form writers, according to Wired. Instead it’s much easier to post pictures to Flickr and send Twitter updates.

True ‘dat.

But I guess it depends what you want or need out of writing in public…and if audience size ain’t your prerogative or you’re not eking out a living from your bloggy skills then what the hell. It’s not gonna stop me, I tell you…

UPDATE: Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2008 seems to point the same way, although it’s interesting that it backs up blogging as being a more reflective approach to writing than many of the upstart microblogging tools allow.

I agree – blogging for me has always been about the ritual of deepening my knowledge in a particular issue. It forces you to critique, to have a position and to enter the conversation…assuming that you have an engaged audience, of course. Otherwise you’re blowing smoke into a gale…